Driving Compliance, Empowering Communities
Partner in Social Return, Impacting Lives Together.
Partner in social return,
samen een verschil maken.

Spreek Nederlands met zelfvertouwen.
Flexibel leren,
altijd en overal.
Leer nieuwe vaardigheden voor succes.
Leer Nederlands,
voel je thuis.
Succesvol inburgeren.
Onze Diensten : Taal- en Skills Trainingcenter Rotterdam
Bij Hamrah geloven we in de kracht van taal en vaardigheden als brug naar nieuwe kansen. Onze op maat gemaakte trainingen helpen zowel individuen als bedrijven te groeien door effectieve communicatie en samenwerking.
Social Return on Investment
Dutch for expats
Skills Training
Social Return on Investment
Dutch for expats
Skills Training
Over Hamrah
Hamrah is al jaren een van de beste taalscholen in Nederland met Blik op Werk, NRTO en PSO30+ certificering
- Topkwaliteit taalonderwijs
- Hoge klanttevredenheid
- Hoge slagingspercentage
- Uitgebreide cursus aanbod voor inburgeraars en Expats
- Maatwerk cursussen voor UWV en bedrijven
- Beroep-specifieke trainingen voor SROI verplichtige
- Ontwikkeling leermodules met nieuwe technologie (AI)
Bekijk Onze Videos
Wat vinden cursisten van Hamrah
“Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi commodo consequat.”
- Kevin Malone
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”
- Fatima Hasan
“Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.”
- Jason Statham
“Irure dolor inate urtganol reprehenderit in voluptate velit fugiat nulla pariatur.”
- Susane Kamal
I have searched a lot for finding a good language institute,and after participating classes in Hamrah, I can say that it’s the best language institute for sure
- Rama Poozan
The school is completely cultural freedom and excellent in teaching students both practice and theory
- Tricia Nneny
Im Afsaneh I have registered my name in Hamrah school in B1 level. There was a perfect teacher in the class and forced us to talk all the time and correct us. It was perfect.
- Afsaneh Kazeminejad
Very experienced teachers, calm environment, great lessons
- Aminullah Pashtoon
Whether you’re preparing for integration exams or simply looking to improve your everyday Dutch, Hamrah is a great choice. I took private lessons and was highly satisfied with the teacher. The staff was also incredibly helpful and friendly, making the entire experience enjoyable.
- Mustafa Kara
The school van Hamrah is the best school i have a good teacher en everybody is good dear.
- Mbayang Sarr
If you’re looking for a good school to learn Dutch, I think the Hamrah institute is a great option. Experienced teachers, excellent planning, good management. I had good experience for ONA course and B1 course.
- Nadia Moosavifar
My name is Roja and I obtained the B1 language level at the “Hamrah” language school. It is a very good school, with experienced teachers and a very good education system. Thank you.
- Roja Nosrati
I have searched a lot for finding a good language institute,and after participating classes in Hamrah, I can say that it’s the best language institute for sure
- rama poozan
The school is completely cultural freedom and excellent in teaching students both practice and theory
- Tricia Nneny
Very experienced teachers, calm environment, great lessons
- Aminullah Pashtoon:
Im Afsaneh I have registered my name in Hamrah school in B1 level. There was a perfect teacher in the class and forced us to talk all the time and correct us. It was perfect.
- Afsaneh Kazeminejad
Whether you’re preparing for integration exams or simply looking to improve your everyday Dutch, Hamrah is a great choice. I took private lessons and was highly satisfied with the teacher. The staff was also incredibly helpful and friendly, making the entire experience enjoyable.
- Mustafa Kara
The school van Hamrah is the best school i have a good teacher en everybody is good dear.
- mbayang sarr
If you’re looking for a good school to learn Dutch, I think the Hamrah institute is a great option. Experienced teachers, excellent planning, good management. I had good experience for ONA course and B1 course.
- nadia moosavifar
My name is Roja and I obtained the B1 language level at the “Hamrah” language school. It is a very good school, with experienced teachers and a very good education system. Thank you.
- roja nosrati
Veelgestelde Vragen (FAQs)
Vertrouwd door meer dan 1000+ cursisten
Hamrah, een Nederlands Taalinstituut in Rotterdam, biedt taal- en vaardigheidstrainingen aan, waaronder integratiecursussen, staatsexamenvoorbereiding, expatprogramma’s en bedrijfstrainingen.
Hamrah biedt op maat gemaakte trainingen om bedrijven effectief te ondersteunen bij hun Social Return on Investment (SROI) verplichtingen.
Hamrah is gecertificeerd door Blik op Werk, NRTO en heeft een PSO30+ certificering.
Ja, Hamrah biedt lessen met ondersteuning in Farsi, Turks, Arabisch en Pools.
Absoluut! Hamrah biedt Nederlandse taalcursussen op maat voor expats op elk niveau.
Hamrah is een geautoriseerd trainingscentrum voor Rhino 3D-modellering en biedt unieke VCA-training in het Perzisch aan.
Ja, Hamrah biedt blended e-learningmodules aan op 3F/B2-niveau.
Zeker! Hamrah ontwikkelt samen met bedrijven leerwerktrajecten en talentontwikkelingsprogramma’s.
Hamrah is gevestigd in Rotterdam en is een toonaangevend Nederlands Taalinstituut.
Bezoek de contactpagina van Hamrah voor meer informatie.
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Inschrijf en contact formulier
Voor integratievragen, klik hier.
Voor expatvragen, klik hier.
Voor SROI-vragen, vul dit formulier in.
Gratis oefenmateriaal Nederlandse taal
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief!
I have searched a lot for finding a good language institute,and after participating classes in Hamrah, I can say that it’s the best language institute for sure
- rama poozan
The school is completely cultural freedom and excellent in teaching students both practice and theory
- Tricia Nneny
Very experienced teachers, calm environment, great lessons
- Aminullah Pashtoon:
Im Afsaneh I have registered my name in Hamrah school in B1 level. There was a perfect teacher in the class and forced us to talk all the time and correct us. It was perfect.
- Afsaneh Kazeminejad
Whether you’re preparing for integration exams or simply looking to improve your everyday Dutch, Hamrah is a great choice. I took private lessons and was highly satisfied with the teacher. The staff was also incredibly helpful and friendly, making the entire experience enjoyable.
- Mustafa Kara
The school van Hamrah is the best school i have a good teacher en everybody is good dear.
- mbayang sarr
If you’re looking for a good school to learn Dutch, I think the Hamrah institute is a great option. Experienced teachers, excellent planning, good management. I had good experience for ONA course and B1 course.
- nadia moosavifar
My name is Roja and I obtained the B1 language level at the “Hamrah” language school. It is a very good school, with experienced teachers and a very good education system. Thank you.